
The Holy Trinity Catholic Parish - Point Cook, comprises three schools within the Parish boundary. The Parish is in a major growth corridor in the Western suburbs of Melbourne and each school has a catchment/containment area (zone).

The three schools which make up the Holy Trinity Parish in Point Cook are:

Lumen Christi Stella Maris St Mary of The Cross

Online applications are not accepted for Queen of Peace or St Martin De Porres. Please contact those schools separately.

Applications will be considered in the following priority order:

  • Baptised Catholic​ children resident in the designated zone/catchment area of the Laverton Parish
  • Brothers and sisters of currently enrolled students in the school.
  • Baptised​ children from Christian religions which share a special relationship with the history and traditions of the Catholic Church.
  • Non-Catholic children. 

Prior to filling out the application form online please read the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment

Enrolment Process

1. Application

To apply for a position at St Mary of the Cross fill out the below online form.


Enrolments for Prep 2025 are NOW OPEN.

Please read the following information.

Parents/Carers should complete the online application with all the required documentation. There is a $50 non-refundable application fee for all Prep applications. 

2. Interview

Families may be invited to an enrolment interview with the Principal or Deputy Principals.

3. Offer

The offer of a place at any of the Parish Schools will be forwarded to the successful applicant

Families of all other year levels will be notified shortly after the interview if a place is available.

All places are offered at the Principal’s discretion.

4. Acceptance

Families  must return the Enrolment Acceptance documentation to the School along with $100 enrolment acceptance fee.

5. Transition

Transition takes place differently at each of the Parish schools. Information will be distributed by the schools.